Artovo Marketing Calendar

Big events such as Christmas and Black Friday are the perfect time to offer your customers deals and discounts on your products - but there are plenty of other days in the year that you can take advantage of to give your business a boost and appeal to a wider range of customer interests.

There are lots of events and awareness days that might fit your brand, and are a great way to promote and sell corresponding products. Do you have any foodie designs in your inventory? Don’t miss out on National Cheese Lovers Day! Have you got any dogs featured in your products? Get your pups ready for Crufts! 

Not every event will be relevant to your brand, and you don’t always have to create offers and promotions every time - just create some good content to get your customers interested and interacting with your brand.

Below are a few key dates you may want to base your content or promotions on, some serious, some... not so much... 

01.02.22 = Chinese New Year 🐅

09.02.22 = National Pizza day 🍕

14.02.22 = Valentines Day ❣️

08.03.22 = International Womens Day 💁🏼‍♀️

27.03.22 = Mothers Day 👩‍👧

04.04.22 = International Carrot Day 🥕

For our full list of significant dates, we have created you a wall calendar with all of these dates so download the calendar and take a look and find some dates that apply to you, and start planning! 

Pssst. We’ve have also made the calendar downloadable and available to add to your outlook, mail or google calendar!

Simply click on the below link and open the file to sync this calendar with your own. You will now see all these significant dates appear in your own calendar.

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