What is FSC and why is it important?

What is FSC and why is it important?

If you’ve been using Artovo for a while or have been reading up about our products, you might have noticed that some of them mention using wood from FSC certified mills! But what does that mean? Keep reading to find out! 

First, what is the FSC? 

FSC stands for the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an international non-profit organisation that promotes responsible management of the world's forests, both environmentally and socially. 

FSC was established in 1993 and has been advocating for responsible management of the world’s forests, bringing together experts from the environmental, economic and social spheres for 25 years!

Is Wood a Sustainable source?

Wood is one of the most naturally renewable energy sources, which leaves less of an impact on the environment in comparison to other materials. It also has a lighter carbon footprint than steel or concrete.

Using wood from sustainably managed forests, like those certified by FSC, can actually be beneficial to the environment. That’s because responsibly managed forests help preserve and grow the world’s forests.

What does this mean for Artovo? 

The use of FSC certified mills means that Artovo, and our customers (that’s you!) are taking steps to be more green. The wood from our canvases and frames is responsibly sourced and traceable to sustainably managed forests. It’s not just about the wood either, forests managed to FSC regulations also have a beneficial effect on the forestry employees and local communities.

This is just one of the ways to try and reduce our carbon footprint and help maintain the resources of the world.

Want to let your customers know about our sustainably sourced wood? Please use details from this blog for your own marketing material.

So how does a forest become FSC certified? 

Products that have been certified by the FSC, mean that they meet the ‘gold standard’ for ethical production. This also ensures that nearby communities are respected, the habitats of endangered plants and animal species are protected, and that all workers are properly paid.

To become an FSC certified forest, the forest operation must adhere to the following ten principles:

  1. Comply with all applicable laws and nationally ratified international treaties, conventions and agreements
  2. Maintain or enhance the social and economic wellbeing of its workers
  3. Uphold Indigenous Peoples’ legal and customary rights of ownership, use and management of the land and resources affected by forest management
  4. Maintain or enhance the social and economic wellbeing of local communities
  5. Manage the range of multiple products and services of the Management Unit to maintain or enhance long-term economic viability and the range of environmental and social benefits
  6. Maintain, conserve or restore ecosystem services and avoid or repair negative environmental impacts
  7. Have a management plan consistent with policies and objectives and proportionate to scale, intensity and risks of its management activities – the plan must be implemented and kept up to date, as well as guide staff and inform stakeholders to justify management decisions
  8. Demonstrate progress towards achieving the management objectives
  9. Maintain or enhance the High Conservation Values in the Management Unit through applying the precautionary approach
  10. Ensure that management activities are selected and implemented consistent with the organisation’s economic, environmental and social policies

What do the FSC labels mean?

FSC 100%

All the materials used in products bearing this label are sourced from forests that have been audited by an independent third party to confirm they are managed according to FSC’s rigorous social and environmental standards. Of all the FSC labels, FSC 100% contributes most directly to FSC’s objective—forests for all, forever—and is therefore the highest mark of distinction for certified products.


Products that bear this label have been verified as being made from 100% recycled content (either post-consumer or pre-consumer reclaimed materials). The use of FSC Recycled products can help to alleviate the pressure of demand on sources of virgin material, thereby helping to protect the world’s forests.


Products that bear this label are made using a mixture of materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled materials, and/or FSC controlled wood. While controlled wood is not from FSC certified forests, it mitigates the risk of the material originating from unacceptable sources. 

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