Tips For Selling Your Products Offline

Artovo Tips For Selling Offline Blog Header

With Covid restrictions starting to ease in the UK, the opportunity to begin selling products ‘offline’ is opening up again. By this, we mean at events like craft events, local markets and other selling locations for creators.

The Artovo team have put together a little guide to help you when selling your products face to face. Keep reading to find out more!


Artovo Let People Know Banner


If you’re scheduled to attend an event, make sure to let your followers know in advance so they can come and support you! Post across whichever social media channels you have, but make sure the post is eye-catching enough to not get lost in the amongst the news feed.

Don’t forget any important information, such as where your stall will be located at the event and when you’ll be there until. 


Artovo Plan Ahead Banner Image


First, find out how much space you’ll have available from the event organisers so you know how much of your merchandise you can take - then make sure you have enough products to show off! 

Artovo usually takes around 3 days to manufacture a product, plus shipping - so don’t leave it to the last minute to order your products!

Make sure to have a range of products and your best selling designs for the best chance of attracting customers.


Artovo Have a Good set up Banner


When you get to your event, you’ll want to make sure you have a good setup that shows off your products in the best way. Take some time to figure out the best layout for your products - should your cushions be at the front, or a smaller product, such as coasters?

If you’ve brought a lot of items to sell, it might be a good idea to keep some back, out of the way so that your table isn’t overcrowded. 

You can always move things around once you’ve been there a while and bring out new items once others have sold.


Artovo Be Present And Engage Banner


It’s a great idea to take pictures of your products while at your event for your social channels, but make sure you aren’t constantly on your phone or have your attention elsewhere.

If you look busy with something else, or don’t pay attention to the people around you, you could lose out on customers. 

Make eye contact, smile and engage with customers when they approach - even if it’s just to say hello! A friendly face is much more likely to get a sale!


Artovo Be Prepared Banner


If you aren’t taking lots of stock, figure out a safe and secure way for customers to place orders with you at your stand. While you can tell them to view your website and order when they get home, chances are it will slip their minds and you will lose out on a sale.

There are several ways to do this, such as placing the order for them on your website while taking physical payment at your table. Find what works best for you and your customers, so you don’t miss out.


Artovo Commission Banner


If you offer commissions, personalised items or photography services, make sure you have all the information to hand so you can let any interested customers know when they ask.

If a lot of your work is commission based, consider having you commission information printed out in a visible space with plenty of examples of previous work for people to view.


Artovo Clear Pricing Banner


Having your pricing clearly displayed is a great way to help customers see cost without having to ask and will save you from having to answer the same question over and over again.

Consider offering multi-buy discounts when selling in person, as these can encourage customers to purchase more. For example - One teatowel for £15 or two for £25.


Artovo Business Cards Banner


Or some way for customers to contact you in the future, and see more of your work. Business cards are ideal, easy to display and handy for customers to take away Make sure to add your contact details and any social media handles you use so that customers can follow you on your Facebook, Instagram or twitter!


Good luck, and have fun! 


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